
Do you have comments about our service?

Have you had problems accessing abortion services in Alberta? Obtaining a prescription for contraception? Did you have trouble finding a doctor supportive of your choices, or mistakenly go to an anti-choice crisis pregnancy centre?

Have you ever been refused emergency contraception at a pharmacy?

We are interested in hearing your stories, both good and bad.

We do not need your real name if you wish to remain anonymous, and no one will respond to you unless you request a response. The information you provide will be kept confidential. However, your stories will help us understand the difficulties women in Alberta have in accessing safe, non-judgmental sexual and reproductive health services, so that we may find ways to improve our services and help other people avoid problem situations that you found offensive or harmful.

Please email us:

This contact service is for feedback only!

We do not respond to questions concerning appointments, health concerns or queries about our services. Please call the clinic at 403-283-9117 with your questions.

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