Dilation and Evacuation

16 to 20 weeks — If you are over 16 weeks, the procedure will occur over 2 days. The cervix needs to be opened by inserting laminaria (osmotic dilators) the day before the abortion. These absorb moisture and expand, gently opening the cervix. They are left in overnight. Plan to be in the clinic 2-3 hours on the first day.

The next morning you will return to the clinic and be given Misoprostol tablets to aid in softening the cervix. These take approximately two hours to work, so you will be given a comfortable recliner to rest in. When you are ready, the physician will remove the laminaria and complete the procedure. On the second day, the procedure will take 10 to 30 minutes. Expect to be in the clinic for 4-5 hours on the second day.

Phone System Updates

We are upgrading our phone system to serve you better. If you’re waiting for a callback, we appreciate your patience. Thank you for your understanding.